Featured Nonfiction
Free Falling
By Kelsey Dobmeier
This groom could make a nun swear. I meet with hundreds, yeah, you read that correctly, hundreds of engaged couples a year, but this groom has me on my fourth flute of champagne and I’m a lightweight. As a wedding DJ, I have the pleasure of working for a different boss every weekend, AKA the bride. I met with Sarah and her fiancé David a year in advance, helped them plan their idea of a perfect wedding and watched them charge the bill to their father’s credit card. I choose not to think about where the money comes from, as long as the deposit goes through before someone backs out.
I Thought She Was the One
By Timothy C.
We both had pasts we weren’t proud of. We were both paying the price. She said she loved me, but I truly loved her. I was at the tail end of a three year prison sentence. Going home was so close I could taste it. After being confined for nearly three years, the sense of freedom that the halfway house offered was a welcome change. I began working at Dunkin’ Donuts. For the first time in my life, I appreciated such a low-paying job. Nine dollars per hour sure beat the three dollars per day I was earning behind the walls. Things were going so smoothly. Then, with one phone call, my life was changed forever.